
Located around 18 kilometers north of the border between India and Nepal, the town of Rajbiraj is the administrative headquarters of both the Saptari District and the Sagarmatha Zone in Eastern Region of Nepal. Rajbiraj has an airfield which receives domestic flights from Kathmandu and the town is connected to the highway crossing the fertile Terai region of Nepal, referred to as the cross-Terai highway.

It is not uncommon to see assorted livestock wandering down the wide open streets of Rajbiraj as the town's inhabitants go about their daily business. However, this apparently laid-back atmosphere contradicts the fact that the town has a well-established infrastructure including local government offices, forestry department offices, a number of educational facilities and hospitals for the Saptari District. In fact, Rajbiraj is one of the few towns in Nepal that was given municipality status in the 1950s when the country’s monarchy was restored.

Located around 12 kilometers from Rajbiraj is the Hindu Raj Devi Temple which attracts devotees from far and wide to this charming town in the Eastern Region of Nepal.

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